KEY ACHIEVEMENTS OF IVFCam Completed our organizational development process in 2007/2008, and now in the implementation stage; all sponsored by VSO Yaoundé.
- Successfully facilitated the interpretation, domestication, documentation and publication of conventional laws on widows’ (women) Human Rights & Participation, in 60 villages; with the “Metta Traditional Charter: January 2010” as a landmark in the history of Cameroon’s culture thanks to the Women’s World Day of Prayer (WWDP), German committee.
- Successfully executed the Global Fund (GFATM) project, through the Government of Cameroon, and provided support to over 1,000 OVC in Donga Mantung & Momo Divisions, (2006 – 2010); and 2000 more OVC in Momo Division, with supplementary funds from the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Cameroon; Yaoundé.
- IVFCam was the North West Region’s Relay Organisation for the Global Fund (GFATM) Cameroon Program on Sensitizing and Educating Civil Society Organizations on the CCM; coordinated by Care Cameroon in 2008.
- Now Replicating our project on Women’s Rights & Participation in Widikum, Batibo, Nkambe and Misaje Sub Divisions; thanks to the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and WWDP Germany: 2010 to 2013.
- Winner of 2010 Award on Women’s Creativity in Rural Life from the Women’s World Summit Foundation, Switzerland
- Won the 2010 Reagan Fascell Fellowship Award by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Washington DC; USA.
- Won the 2011 award for Women’s Economic Empowerment from The International Alliance of Women (TIAW), USA
- Expanded her geographic scope of intervention beyond the Northwest Region of Cameroon in 2011 to include the Southwest, Littoral and West Regions of the country; with support from NED and the Women’s Democracy Network (WDN), Washington DC; USA.
- Carried Out Baseline Surveys on the Situation of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in the 10 Subdivisions of Donga/Mantung, and Momo in 2006 sponsored by the Government of Cameroon through the Ministries of Public Health; and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
- Carried out Baseline Surveys on the Actual Problems and Needs of widows in Mbengwi Subdivision, 2005, and Santa in 2006 and developed a record of findings and conclusions; with support from the Women’s World Day of Prayer (WWDP) German Committee, and the Global Fund for Women (GFW) USA, respectively.
- The First Non-Governmental Organization in Cameroon that won grants from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) under the Human Rights Small Grants Scheme, for 2010.
- As of date, has mobilized and constituted young destitute and marginalized widows into 60 legalized Common Initiative Groups; for sustainable and improved livelihood. These task forces are also using their strengths and legal existence to foster and defend their rights.
- IVFCam’s Grassroots Support Program gave birth to a Micro-Credit Fund (Rural Women’s Empowerment Fund) that facilitates access to finances for Income Generating Activities by vulnerable grassroots women and adolescents.